Help For The Haunted By Tim Prasil – Monstrimony

The twelfth story in the book, which being with a letter from Dr. Geoffrey Wallace Livingstone Adams inviting Vera and Lida on a fully funded ghost hunt to Arkansas. At first Vera can’t understand why a Professor of Anthropology would need her help in finding the missing link, but in fact the Professor believes that…

Help For The Haunted By Tim Prasil – King Midas Exhumed

The eleventh story in the book its July 9th 1907 Vera Van Slyke birthday, and a Mr Adrastos needs the use of Vera’s special knowledge to help him attract customers to his new tavern, Vera calls in the her old friend Mr. Vitellius Berry the historical researcher from Pittsburgh, but it turns out that Mr Adrastos…

Help For The Haunted By Tim Prasil – Vampire Particles

The tenth tail in the book begins with a misunderstanding a Mr. Peter Hoffman writes a letter to Vera but is under the impression that she’s ‘a gentleman’ called Vernon Van Slyke, Mr Hoffman has been tasked by the city of Chicago to explain three deaths the victims having enjoyed themselves to death, all victims…

Help For The Haunted by Tim Prasil – Houdini Slept Here

The eight story from the book, has Lucille (back to calling herself Lida) ask Vera why she doesn’t write about her work into the ghostly phenomenon, her reply is a simple one, her mentor Harry Escott did that and was called a liar or worse a lunatic, So in Lucille’s words there has to be…

Help For The Haunted by Tim Prasil – An Unanchored Man

The sixth story of the book finds Vera and Lucille taking time out to holiday in the seaside town of Granger were much to the shock of the desk Clark there go looking for some real old sea songs they find this and a far more in person of Captain Henry Thorn Lord a very…

Help For The Haunted By Tim Prasil – A Burden that Burns

The fifth story in the book, finds Vera Van Slyke and Lucille at some what of lose end, so thanks to a newspaper ad they end up in Pittsburgh, They meet Mr. Ritchie who owns land were strange fire keeps braking out, no matter want is built on it, So with the help of Mr…

Help For The Haunted By Tim Prasil – Dark and Dirty Corners

Set a year after Skittering Holes the fourth story tell of Miss Vera Van Slyke meeting to the Nunda Psychical Research Society as she think talk about defrauding mediums, but two members of the society of other ideas. Mrs Constance Haase believes Vera is true medium and will perform a seances just she can climb…