Doctor Who – Continue The Counter-Measures

I said in my review for the story Remembrance of the Daleks, I would get back to the Counter Measures team. So here we go.

The audio series reunites the cast, Simon Williams as Captain Gilmore, Pamela Salem (22 jan 1944 -21 Feb 2024) as Rachel Jensen and Karen Gledhill as Allison. But unfortunately Dursley McLinden had passed away in 1995.

And with the inclusion of Hugh Ross as Toby Kinsella. Alastair Mackenzie as Allison’s boyfriend Julian. And with that cast was complete.

Based in the early 1960’s a few years after the episode Remembrance Of The Daleks, the team has gone it’s separate ways but soon are reunited, and given the official name counter measures. Under the guiding hand of Sir Toby Kinsella. To investigate reports of sdvanced technology both supernatural and alien. The stories were more down to earth, and in fact focused mostly on the interpersonal relationships.

Starting in July of 2012 and ending July 2015 and in total there were 16 episodes spread across four box set each have four stories.

The original idea was to have counter-measures act as a bridge between themselves and another fictionalized Doctor Who military organization called UNIT.

As time when on the whole the series evolved and was called the new counter-measures, it had many of the elements and cast from the original idea continue. This run for three series and two specials 13 episodes in total as of now it’s not clear whether the series continues as the last box set was released in 2020.

A more detailed review and reflective thoughts on each of the episodes contained in both counter-measures and the new counter-measures series can be found here by Youtuber Sir Jedi Sentinel

My personal opinion on Counter-Measures is that it was an interesting idea, and gave new life to a handful of one off characters. And done now I think some elements would be left out, or radically altered, because of things like Touchwood and UNIT both old and new, as an audiences tastes and opinions change over time. In fact I would extremely interested to see a older versions of many of the characters, interact with the current generation of Touchwood much in the same way all the Ace does so.

If you have Spotify on your computer or phone or whatever (I don’t use it myself) here is the link again that will take you to the counter-measures stories.

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