Doctor Who – The Brave New World Of Brigadier Winifred Bambera.

Like the said at the end of my review of series 26, I would get back to the new Brigadier Winifred Bambera.

In the episode Battlefield she was there to push the idea that earth does move on, even if that Doctor isn’t there helping. Yes the idea was explore in a handful of episodes before, but the mostly the status Quo remained the same. The Doctor/ companion and a strange planet or monster of the week.

However the unlike today when a new character is introduced, thanks to social media the entire fan based know them even before they said a word on television. It wasn’t always like that, a character such as Brigadier Bambara would be introduced with no back story, save a few lines of dialogue as way introduction and off the story would go.

And just like with Ace, when the show entered its wilderness years, it was left to audience and expanded Media licence holders to create her backstory. But they just had her as a secondary character with only glimpses of her life, which is fine because that the fun of everything. Marriage to Knight Ancelyn and meeting Bernie Summerfield

But with the creation of characters like Kate Leftbridge Stewart, (who actually started out in a fan film, but not played by the same actress or had the same role in UNIT) and Clara Oswald, and the return of Ace, Mel and handful of others on screen. The new writers have been pulling elements of the wilderness years to fill in their backstory

So I thought it would be interesting to see the backstory that Big Finish gave her as she was front and center in two box sets. Under the title Brave New World, there 6 stories in total written by Tajinder Singh Hayer, Lizzie Hopley, Robert Valentine, Alfie Shaw and Alison Winter.

I am going to review each box set in the same way I did with the diary of River Song with the official synopsis and then my short review of each story. And if I can find any the call backs to both the wilderness years and the things we saw in the episode battlefield.

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